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Enlightening the proper justification of John Bowls

One of the greatest bowls to survive the shisha session

While learning the greatest shisha session, we get often confused on choosing the ingredients, be it tobacco flavor, bowls or choosing coals. A perfect ingredient always helps you to maintain the quality. Bowls are the greatest ingredients that help to execute your desired hookah session. Shisha bowls come in different shapes, sizes and materials, thus they have a great demand for hookah sessions indeed. It can have a big impact on the quality of your shisha smoking session. Each type of hookah bowl is different and carries various pros and cons, but finding the right bowl is necessary.

Important for you. If you are the greatest inspiration to your friends for creating a great hookah session, you must choose the best from the rest and for that nothing can beat the john bowls when it comes to choosing the right hookah bowls.

You must remember that, finding the right bowl for you shouldn’t be based on price alone. So, this article will be based on different segments related to the john bowls and long with the greatest possibilities.

john bowls

But before indulging into the features of john bowls, let’s get some idea on the hookah.

What Hookah is?

Hookah is known as shisha that involves smoking flavored various tobacco from a water pipe in which they pass a hose and take a puff among family or friends. Hookah is often considered to be centered around the conversations and discussions among groups. It promotes more connectedness among those participants. If you dig out the ancient culture, you could find that the hookah is deeply rooted in a cultural tradition. It has been presented in several forms from the ancient period to modern times. But the process has been followed through generations based on India, Persia, Turkey, Egypt, and other Middle East families.

Bowl that blows your mind!

John Bowls – one of the most trending and fascinating things for all the smoke enthusiastic that offers the utmost pleasure of hookah lovers. There are variants of the bowls that have been ruling the hookah industry for a few years, but John Bowls is something you can try out to taste something new. If you are an insane lover of hookah and often want to experience new flavors and innovative things, you must opt-out for a great exploration with John Bowls. This one will surely upgrade your knowledge about the concept and give you the ultimate insight to have a satisfactory purchase.

Why choose John Bowls?

Oh my god! Hey, doesn't it sound exciting? You will feel more excited when you will choose the bowl over thousands. If you are doubting or rather confused about making it your next purchase, then you must delve deep into some core facts of John Bowl. Do you wanna explore?

Pleasing Personality

The look! John Bowls is best known for the approach and a pleasant look. Remember, visibility plays an important role. John Bowls must win the competition when it comes to say about each piece's outlook. It is made of such ingredients that make the bowl unique and outstanding.

Easy to Clean

You have to take care of your bowl after using it. John Bowls is sophisticated and thus needs much care after every use. However, it is easy to clean and hazard free. So, you don't need to have much trouble cleaning the bowl. Other bowls exist in the market that tend to deliver much complexity. Many of the bowls fail to impress the users because of the trouble. This bowl offers you the easy-to-use feature.

Handling made easy

Utility- the most important part and feature of the hookah bowl. Joh Bowls are quite renowned for offering a more excellent utility compared to the other bowls. They can be easily uplifted and held. These bowls are even perfect for first-time users.

Type and Styles

The most popular substance used to produce bowls is clay or ceramics. However, John bowls are made of different substances such as stone, glass, metal, and even wood. But mostly focused on ceramics.

john bowls

Do I need a good bowl? Is it mandatory?

Yes, of course, as I've said already. Each segment of a hookah has been recognized as the primary element to deliver a long-lasting hookah session.

Bowl has been considered one of the most critical and essential components of the shisha pipe. The bowl is positioned at the top of the hookah. The bowl is also recognized as a hookah head by some people in different regions. Bowl is also recognized as one of the primary elements to be concentrated. It is the base where you can start the utmost procedure of hookah.

Before smoking up the hookah, your primary focus will be warming up the bowl. You have to place the coal to warm up only from the top. Though you have coals placed on a foil or heat management device, you need to be sure about the sidewalls that have to be heated up. That is why, when using foil, it is essential to notice the place where the coals are put, and it would be great if you place it as close to the edges as possible.

It is mostly getting quite tricky with other bowls at the time of placing or adjusting the coal. But for the John Bowls, you will simply experience a handy procedure. These specific bowls are known to be in-person favorites as they come in very easy-to-handle shape.

Now, let’s focus on type of bowls that you need to know before taking the final decision.

These bowls are almost equally famous for executing a great buzz and good smoke:

Egyptian Hookah Bowls

Renowned for being extraordinary and one of the most commonly owned clay bowls in the community. Many hookah lovers prefer this specific bowl for a cheap price offering; a good look and uniformly shaped bowl comes with many color options.

Though john bowls have great craze, 9 out of 10 hookah lounges prefer this bowl to serve you in a unique style!

Capacity: Each bowl has the capacity to hold 10-20 grams of shisha tobacco approximately.

Vortex Hookah Bowls

Vortex bowls are one of its kind of bowls. It is delivering optimum procedure of hookah making and hookah set up. Thus, vortex bowls are again another greatest invention of mankind.

It comes with a unique feature, a capped spire that prevents any juice from leaking into your hookah and a tight foil application leads to the most exemplary vortex flow of air to pass through the tobacco. Also, this bowl is capable of handling a high amount of heat.

So, no doubt vortex will be a perfect add-on to your bowl list.

Capacity: Each bowl can hold 12-20 grams of shisha tobacco, approximately

john bowls

Phunnel Hookah Bowls

Now, this one has gained a lot of craze over the years for its unique look. The most popular bowl style that can readily give a competition to john bowls. The modern hookah world prefers a phunnel bowl, and it's not the end! This specific bowl has the ability to love them entirely!

This bowl has the perfect width of the spire and interior depth, and thus the design features one central air channel that prevents juice from sliding down.

Phunnel hookah bowl will deliver a smoothness while inhaling the hookah for sure!

Capacity: Each bowl can hold blonde leaf blends approximately 14-25 grams, and dark leaf uses 18-30 grams.

Lipped Hookah Bowl

These kinds of hookah bowls are generally well-adapted to all kinds of hookah sessions. These shisha bowl designs come with the internal lip to accommodate heat management devices which is very crucial for all types of bowl purposes. Experts say that it is important that the bowl holds such design suits of heat management devices to execute a great hookah session. HMD generally provides too much airflow through the system. Even vortex hookah bowls and egyptian hookah bowls are also the prime example of working as a lipped bowl; most heat management devices work fine and adjust with these bowls.

Ready to utilize the goodness of john bowls!

Today, john bowls have become the most prominent hookah bowl that holds the pleasure of hookah. It is one of the premium bowls that keep the tobacco's intact flavor and helps to have a lengthy hookah session.

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